Rwanda Environment Management Authority and Private Sector Federation partner to advance green growth and the circular economy

The Rwanda Environment Management Authority and Private Sector Federation have launched a new partnership that will foster greater collaboration on environmental issues with a focus on green growth and the circular economy. The agreement will equip Rwanda’s business community with the knowledge and skills to take advantage of the opportunities of going green, and promote trade and investment in the circular economy.

The partnership will also expand cooperation in sustainable plastic manufacturing and management, single-use plastic collection and recycling, and facilitate businesses in Rwanda to meet national, regional and international environmental standards.

The agreement establishes a bi-annual high-level environment platform to discuss issues of mutual interest and monthly technical meetings between staff of the Rwanda Environment Management Authority and Private Sector Federation members.

“The memorandum of understanding will strengthen collaboration on natural resource management between the government and the private sector. By involving the private sector in environmental protection and climate resilience efforts, we will significantly scale up the country’s green growth and fast-track adoption of the circular economy,” said Juliet Kabera, Director General, Rwanda Environment Management Authority.

“Doing business in a way that protects our environment is not only good for the planet, it’s also good for people and profits. By investing in green growth and the circular economy today, Rwandan businesses will position themselves well for sustainability. We look forward to the opportunities this new partnership with the Rwanda Environment Management Authority will bring for our members,” said Stephen Ruzibiza, Chief Executive Officer, Private Sector Federation.

The memorandum of understanding was launched in Kigali on 14 October 2020 during an event officiated by Patrick Karera, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Environment.



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